Our Services

Aura cleansing through Spiritual Chants

Physical Healing

Mental Healing

Emotional Healing

Chakra Healing

Exorcism/Cleansing Office/Property/Land

Dark magic removal

Neutralizing karma

Past/Present life curse removal

Virus/Bacteria deactivation
All types of block removal (Manifestation/Child block/marriage block/prosperity/Job/Business blocks etc.)
Allergy Healing

Remote Health & Spiritual connection Check  

$ 10 INR 1000
  • General Health check
  • Divine connection Yes or No
  • Aura & Chakra's Colour
  • Curses
  • Negative Strings/Cords
  • Witchcraft/Dark magic diagnosis
  • Soul/Spirit attachment
  • Identify blocks - manifesting/marriage/relationship/child/prosperity
  • Past life blocks
  • Identify Weakest Chakra & Organ
  • List of negative emotions
  • Relationship or energy match with one person of your choice

Remote Commercial Property/Business energy check

$ 10 INR 1000
  • Business Bank Accounts Energy level
  • Property Energy level
  • Business energy level with the Founder/owner
  • Partnership energy level
  • Curses
  • Witchcraft/Dark magic diagnosis
  • Presence of bad Spirits
  • Malevolent Entities
  • Under world/inner world Portals

Remote Job Energy Check

$ 10 INR 1000
  • Job Blocks
  • Current Job Energy level
  • Future Job Energy level
  • Energy with the Organization for Job
  • Relationship with Colleagues
  • Curses
  • Witchcraft/Dark magic diagnosis
  • Spirits/Malevolent Entities
  • Under world/inner world Portals
Book via the whats-app number link,post the payment is made via any of the payment option links in donate page, and share the screen shot to the same number and get the report in 8-24hrs
** These chants will work only after receiving proper guidance from SRUSH

Spiritual chants for Soul enlightenment

Surrendering to God

To the Supreme God,
To the Superior Karmic board,
To the healing angels,
To the spiritual Masters,Guides,Teachers
To My Karmic angel,
To My higher soul,

I bow down deeply in gratitude and surrender my body, mind & soul and ask forgiveness wholeheartedly for all the mistakes I have committed to any souls intentionally or unintentionally in my past lives and present life through my thoughts, actions & words.
I am forgiving everyone for their harm towards me. Whatever I am going through in my life is due to my karma, which I am accepting it unconditionally

God please guide me, protect me and show me the path to Light

Asking Forgiveness to Nature-beings

To the Divine Sun
To the Mother Earth
To All the nature beings of Mother Earth,
To the king of Ocean beings
To the Nature beings of the Mountains
To the Nature beings of the Plant kingdom
To the Nature beings of the animal kingdom
To the Nature beings of the Micro organisms

I ask forgiveness wholeheartedly for all the mistakes I have committed despite of all the goodness you have given to me, please guide me to live in harmony with nature.

Self- Blessing

I AM a being of Radiant fire
I AM the purity God desires

My Soul is a soul of Radiant fire
My Soul is the purity God desires


I AM not the perishable body,
I AM not the emotions,
I AM not the wavering mind,
My Body and mind are the
instruments of my soul.
The soul that dwells within the body is immortal
I AM the Eternal soul.
I AM connected and one with my higher soul


I AM balancing my karma Every day
            I AM a spiritual being of divine intelligence,
divine love and divine power.

         I AM one with the Divine Spark within me.
  I AM a child of God,
            I AM connected with God,
 I AM one with God
I AM one with all.


I AM Light, glowing Light,
Radiating Light, intensified Light.
I neutralize my Karma to end darkness,
Transmuting it into Light.

This day I AM a focus of the Radiant fire
Flowing through me is a crystal river

A living fountain of Light
That can never be qualified
By human thought and feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of Light which I AM.

I AM, I AM, I AM Light;
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light’s fullest dimension;
I AM Light’s purest intention.
I AM Light, Light, Light
Spreading pure spiritual consciousness in the world everywhere I move,
and conveying the purpose of the kingdom of heaven

Need healing? Let us help you out!