
Increase one’s spiritual energy, thereby assisting to heal the physical, emotional, and mental body and assisting to develop an energy protection through which everyone can discover their soul journey and lead with purpose on mother Earth.


Silver radiant universal spiritual healing provides guidance for self-healing through a Divine Energy trigger tool supported by spiritual chants. It disseminates knowledge about body, mind, and soul so that one understands true spirituality and methods to balance an individual’s karma and create a painless (physical, mental, and emotional) lifetime experience for everyone by removing one’s negative connections and energies.

Need healing? Let us help you out! We can heal anyone from four corners of the Mother Earth remotely

we recommend supplements for physical healing if required.


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The Recovery Process of Schizophrenic patient at SilverRadiant As Parents having a schizophrenic child is extremely painful, my son was diagnosed with this condition in 2019, where he has hearing unusual voices, vision and we went for a treatment with psychiatrist and he had several interventions before he would identify that it a serious condition of mind, called Schizophrenia, which there is less possibilities of cure and this condition will need anti-psychotic drugs. The condition became worst in three months, which required to be admission to hospital and needed alternate treatments such as ECT, Counseling. We consulted around 7 different doctors and we found most of them would not provide a recovery solution, the drugs which was given serious side effects of excessive sleep, body fat and also affected body movement. The condition became worst in 2020 when he lost his smell sense and also started seeing vision which was frightening for my son, he would go to a room and sit in a corner of fear and the voice commanded over him to jump or take the life, it was one of the worst times of life as parents where you would see you dear child go thru such a cycle and doctors was less helpful but for giving drugs which help him sleep. We went to several doctors, neuro surgeon, alternate treatment , the condition of patients was getting worst and he became totally difficult to manage also he lost interest in studies and started talking to himself , me and wife in emotions and crying before god when you see your child suffer before your eyes and the entire process of treatment failing before our eyes The only thing we used to do is look up and pray god can you please show some mercy on us and take us of the tears, in the three years we went to several hospital, temples (more than 100) , psychologist who would provide some techniques , nothing did any change to condition , the condition was getting worse day by day. There was also scenario when the doctor told my son to get admitted and provide treatment like ECT which involves giving shock and with no improvement after 6-10 sessions. We ran pillar and post without any respite and we had one question “will god open their eyes to show us light in the darkness” . We learnt a lot in these three years about schizophrenia as parents • It is a disease of mind and neuron imbalance which does not have cure in the medical history • The anti psychotic drugs are having extreme side effects which might cause patients to react and lose their physical body energy • No body understood the patients, we felt most of the doctors were telling whatever the patient is hearing is unreal, pseudo and which made the life of patient worse • Always the society does not understand the mental imbalance people so we need to be dealing this on a sensitive way We understood it was our fate, until feb 2023 a miracle happened After 3 years of struggle thru my fellow astrologer referred to “Rekha Madam” from SilverRadiant , was initially totally down and but felt some energy telling me just try it. In Feb 2023 , we contacted Rekha Madam , she took some quick control of the scenario and suggested there is negative dark forces, energy and curse at home and we need to do soul elevation and remove the dark force the problem will be resolved With mixed mind we trusted Rekha madam, who was having so much empathy for us, started the healing and elevation process at home, within 2-3 days we would see a huge difference with the patient, we first time understood there would be so many negative forces or energy if balanced and elevated, we have a solution for this dreaded disease which is claimed as non-curable in the medical field Silver Radiant did the following • Empathetically listened to us what the challenge son was facing and all the experience of 3 years we summarised she was constantly listening. • Started gauging the environment at home and found lot of negative energy and souls around which need to be elevated and sources unknown and also the curse removal • The affirmation provided by silver radiant helped us to be in peace and also help in recovering faster, we also engaged in learning lot about how to keep a balance of mind, body and soul we are still learning this journey with madam • Started process #1 on getting the house cleaned and healing son • Within a week we got a positive energy at home and we would see a first sign of recovery, so quick , 1000 days (doctor) vs 5 days(healing) • Then madam suggested on key people we need to reduce the energy to son where there would be negative energy coming in and spend next one month to find all the energy which can be blocked which was a huge painful process for madam sitting day and night to help us recover from the dark souls. Recovery process • In 2 weeks’, time the miracle happened when son started the recovering process completely and then we saw a day after 3 years when he was absolutely normal and never had any symptoms. • Rekha madam also suggested to heal the medicine he was having to reduce the side effect and suggested meals plan and spend hours together to counsel us and son to ensure we are always motivated and happy and leave a peaceful life. • We also learnt from SilverRadiant on how to be humble and have gratitude to nature and started gardening which gave the inner peace where you will not find anywhere and this helped us giving gratitude to mother nature, beings which was overlooked. • Meanwhile Rekha madam with all the blessing from supreme god also reduced the medicine by 50 % which was something a miracle and we hope to get to a day when he has stopped the medicine completely. • We learnt from madam on how important is to live a gratitude driven life which will help to forgive and also provide thanks giving to the nature element and all the souls First time we understood that there is something which worked for us, we would also took our first step in soul journey to understand what is our value to this life and calling and how to be grateful to blessings you have got in this lifetime and we saw recovery of son in just 2-3 months it is all the blessings of god and SilverRadiant If you are a parent/s or patient dealing with Schizophrenia or Bi-polar do not hesitate to contact SilverRadiant for instant healing and relief , this will be life changing for the patient who is going thru a rough time and suffering , please get all the benefits like how we got for our children. Lessons Learnt We also learnt working with SilverRadiant that dark forces , negative energy and effect other family members. First we did not understand why I was restless with my work, daughter was affected on eating disorder, my wife with lot of stress and body pain my daughter was extremely healthy until 2021 , started getting affected by the dark forces , and started developed eating disorder and became extremely thin and skinny again doctors used big terms but would not find any solution. The removal of the dark force and soul elevation/s helped my daughter to recover within weeks, she started eating well and became normal in three weeks on the challenges she was facing for a year. Even for us me and wife this was a life changing experience, my job had imbalance, wife was too much into anxiety and depression because of seeing both the children suffer, Rekha madam by constantly talking to each one us made us come out of the huge setback of life. One of the key advice we kept getting is to use natural ways for healing we also have reduced going to doctors now and focus on sunlight, walking and healthy food for healing Huge Thank you and Gratitude for SilverRadiant and Rekha madam for helping us to come out of our huge setback in life and now we are happy, peaceful, positive home environment, son recovering so fast now physically also , daughter recovered completely We would sincerely want this service to go to all the needy who are suffering and do not know how to reach the right person, also for the so called Schizophrenic or bi-polar disorder person who still are suffering for their life time without finding any solutions. Would strongly recommend Silveradiant if you have challenges on schizophrenia , bi-polar disorder or any kind of setbacks related to negative or dark forces or curse removal.
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Child was complaining of continuous head ache for 2 months. We underwent all tests related to it and all the results were normal. Rekha mam listened to our problem patiently and immediately started helping us. She was able to relive my daughter from sever panic attacks and continuous headache within a week time and my daughter started showing improvements. It has been a month since the treatment is completed and she still supports and guides us wherever required. Thank you so much for your support and guidance mam.
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I am feeling much positive and peaceful after srush and above anything i am getting proper sleep after so many years
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I reached to her for healing my mother who was sick. She did the the healing and instantly I cud see my mother started recovering and got better.. She is really good at her art of healing and supporting us in all the ways... She gave the correct advice's for couple facing issues as well. Thank you so much mam
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I was not aware of black magic and negative connections. How it affects our life . Healer patiently answered all my queries and cleared my doubts. I am very happy to get healed with SRUSH. Because, i suffer a lot with back pain and dont know why am suffering. I thank SRUSH and the healer they did a wonderful job for me and my family.
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Sharing Joy of family and gratitude to SRUSH and Rekha Madam #2 Please read my earlier testimony on the web page on how my son suffering from various challenges on hallucination , hearing voice etc., due to connections from temple, souls , BM and also due to past life connection had completly recovered with support from SRUSH and Rekha Madam. This testimony is to tell after this miracle, how with gods power , Rekha madam and blessing and healing my son is now going to college , he is the best student and liked by teachers and principal . He is healthy and eating well and most important happy and energetic. My Daughters who was not eating well due to same soul connection is perfectly normal now and proud to tell she is the "Class Leader". When god is by your side with Rekha madam and healing all good things happen. We have sincere gratitude to SRUSH and Rekha madam for all the support on a) Continuous Healing and Counselling for the entire family b) Helping us understand the process of soul journey c) Help us take a plan to read affirmation and be thankful and gratitude to god and nature every day d) Understand the importance of soul journey. Any parents out who are suffering due to mental illness or soul connection or any black magic challenges, please contact Rekha madam , also SRUSH The key bonus you will also get is SRUSH will help us to understand the purpose of life, why we came, what we should do ? how we should be attached to mother earth . nature and divine sun and also be grateful of your blessings and have forgiveness attitude and gratitude , thank you God, SRUSH and Madam for all you do , let these blessing reach more deserved people.
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Testimonial -1 : Since my marriage was getting delayed, my parents consulted an astrologer who recommended us to SRUSH.It was diagnosed that I had too many negative souls in my body. A negative soul which is actually a snake, disguised itself as amman has conquered my body.It conquered my body when I was in my mother's womb. It was from the temple that my parents built before I was born. It literally conquered the whole area.It was actually trying to kill, me and my parents.It has also collected too many souls, probably in thousands or may be in lakhs into my body. They first blocked me and my family from negative energy and they started soul elevation process.It was started on monday. On the first day, since I could see and talk to the negative soul,it started threatening me. My body became bulky.I couldn't eat or sleep. I felt really restless.Had too many hypnic jerks. But on Tuesday morning they elevated the main soul.After that for few minutes my body didn't feel heavy,but gradually it became heavy again. Every 5 hours I could see hundreds of souls leaving my body. On Monday and Tuesday the souls threatened me before they left.From Wednesday the souls started to thank me for their release. My soul elevation went on for 6 days. The main negative soul not only collected souls into my body,but also touched every single object in our house.It wore my mom's sarees. We had to find everything out and burn them,so that it doesn't affect us anymore. I usually sleep around 4.00 or 5.00 in the morning ,after 4 days of soul elevation I'm able to sleep early. My body doesn't weigh heavy like before.Also I couldn't see any souls after that . Testimonial 2:I was controlled by a negative soul(amman)from a temple that we built 35 years back. It occupied me when I was in my mother's womb . My life was controlled by the negative soul for almost 30 years. In these 30 years it has accumulated so many souls into my body.It blocked my studies, my profession and also my marriage. It also has damaged most of my whole body physically. Soul elevation was started on 16th October and within one day the main soul has been elevated and within 7 days all the other souls that was accumulated in my body has been elevated.The souls even thanked me before they leave. Healing process was started after the soul elevation. The healing process went on for nearly one month. Usually I can't do any work for more than 2 days continuously, but now I'm able to do my work without any trouble. The negative soul won't let me sleep, now I could sleep peacefully.
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I contacted SRUSH to try out this healing modality for few issues i was going through,I was unable to find a solution for my frequent nose block issues and i tend to catch-cold easily. I was also having breathing difficulties due to the tonsils in my throat being removed when I was young, and right from young age i could not enjoy eating ice creams like a normal kid since it ends up again in cold which lasts for a week and ruin my daily routine so I tried allopathic, ayurvedic, and other herbal remedies, but nothing helped, and most of them were temporary. I have now been healed for six months, and I am truly amazed that it took only a few weeks for this issue to be resolved after 30 years of suffering.and then i took healing for the strange, inexplicable feelings of fear and other unpleasant feelings that disturbed me, especially when I was at work. However, after receiving guidance, reading SRUSH spiritual chants, and receiving healing, all of those negative emotions have completely vanished, and now days, I am really confident.since I was experiencing soul disturbances, feeling like there was energy blowing into my ears, nose, and head at lightning speed. It was also disturbing my sleep, appearing in dreams, and disturbs. Within a day, I could feel the difference—none of the negative energies were around me—and I was relieved of this traumatic experience. Thank you SRUSH for this amazing healing experience no words to explain the distant healing experience which i ever thought would be possible.
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I would like to share my experience of support from SRUSH to get rid of negative energy that I have personally witnessed. I am happy to say that I have been alive for the past year only because of Rekha Madam's support. After my husband passed away initial three months I went through a lot of hardship, but thanks to her advice, I am now completely fine. Last week, I saw a dark shadow appear to be a negative energy entering my room. I had a cold and sneezing, and no medication helped. I approached Rekha Madam, who asked me to send her a picture of a table in my room. That same night, she said that the negative energy had been removed and that I could now sleep comfortably. After that i am completely fine with the help of Rekha madam thanks a lot for the support from SRUSH.
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My husband was not able to eat solid foods for the last three months After coming to SRUSH now he started eating solid foods. Moreover he ll be in depression for so many days but now he s slowly coming out of that. He always used to shout at me for no reasons because of bipolar & Parkinson’s . But now he became quiet and not fighting or shouting. This is a great change. Really they did wonders in our life. Many many thanks to Madam whom I used to talk and she s very polite in answering all my questions n will clear all my doubts. She is very understanding and helped me a lot to come out of our problems. Many many thanks to her. Let her continue her service for many people. Feel very happy and relieved after coming here.
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My son who is 1 year & 5 months old has sleepless nights and would cry for no reasons. Sometimes his inconsolable cry lead me to a doubt whether it's physical problem or something connected to the past life.. because the little one would scream from his stomach and he would always utter "aii aii " when he cries..not knowing whom to contact..we met a astrologer who showed us Mrs. Rekha. Only after a brief conversation with her...we were able to diagnose the real problem of my little one..he not only had bad dreams & sleepless nights...but was actually haunted by spirits, was cursed , and also has temple connection which was also one amoung the major problem..As the sessions went..i accidentally found a video on Facebook which showed about "Autism children" ... after seeing the video..I starting having doubts that my little one is affected by autism too... that's when Mrs. Rekha told me that "Yes"..the little one was affected by autism too..& she were able to treat him as he's in a tender stage.. All the major problem that my son faced is getting healed day by day ..and i could see a very big difference in my son..he no more cries for no happy... enjoying his childhood & as a mother I'm very happy to see my little one not being troubled by anyone more... Thanks to Mrs. Rekha for healing him & giving back my son..
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I feel much better now after you healing. Yesterday I took a master checkup and found most of the parameters are found ok or nearing to normalcy.Heart,kidneys are improving. Sugar level fasting 80 and pp 250. Three month average 8.I find vast difference towards improvement in 1 month. My sleep gained normalcy to 7 to 8 hours. Thanks you for your healing and it is unforgettable support. Once again I thank you very much for your support and bringing me to normalcy.
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Mam..I could feel a high level of positivity around me..which includes a joyful atmosphere of me,husband and daughter playing, making fun of each other etc…I am felling more confident, enthusiastic, believe I can do more… I also feel that radiant fire has got something good for me..I feel blessed and thankful to bring you into my life and make me feel great about myself..thank you madam.
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Our son was normal kid , who was in line with his developmental milestone till 1.5 years old. He used to get frequent fever, cough and cold. Then there was a lag in his development and his pre-school suggested that we go for assessment. The doctors diagnosed him with risk of borderline Autism at the age of 2.7 years. Then our life went down a spiral consulting multiple doctors, taking him to occupational therapy, occasional speech therapy as well as going to all the temples mentioned by astrologist, relatives and friends. Other than his speech issues , we spent 3 to 4 days and nights per week during which my son used to cry and shout for unknown reason . We assumed it is due to his stomach issues. This went on for years and now my son is 7.5 years old. One year before, We also took healing from one sir referred by husband's collegue . Even though there were improvements, all my son's issues were still there. We thought changing the house would make changes in our life and moved to another apartment . But nothing changed . Other than my son's issues, I had sleep issues .My husband and myself got convinced that it's due to some bad karma of past live and it's in our Destiny to endure this. In our new apartment, my son ran into a fellow resident and climbed on his back . I apologized to that sir and took my son away . That good sir came to me again and asked a simple and plain question " does your son has autism or adhd ? " . I answered him borderline autism . The conversation went on and he told me about SPIRITUAL HEALING and SILVER RADIANT and he also mentioned that Rekha mam healed autistic cases . I thanked him and took the details. Then my Husband and myself went through the website but still was confused as we were meant to believe that Autism is not curable. So, we contacted Rekha mam for assessment . She did the assessment , explained everything about dark energy and why our son needs healing and she also mentioned that our son is normal and his condition is due to the dark energy and it's curable . That gave us hope for the first time in past 5 years . But still we had lot of questions about karma etc. Rekha mam patiently explained us everything .We understood, decided and requested Rekha mam to start the healing and we stopped sending him to special school where he gets his therapy. From the day 1,we started seeing changes.We started seeing improvement in my sleep as well as my son's sleep. My son's endless shouting started to reduce . After 10 days of healing , Rekha mam asked us to start engaging my son. But we were unable to do that due to our other commitments. And , Rekha mam went with the healing. Without taking my son to any therapy and without any effort from our side , we are happy about the tremendous changes we see in our son. 1. My son used to wake up around 4 and scream and used to beat and scratch us . After we started healing , it started reducing and now he is not doing that anymore 2. On some days, He used to make weird noise through out the day . Now it's completely gone after the healing 3. He is a poor eater . Now his food intake improved and he is getting hungry 4. His eye contact improved by 75% 5. He is looking at us when we are saying something . He is interested to play with us . He played continuously with me for more than 1.30 hours yesterday. 6. He is starting to show emotional understanding . He was looking at me meaningfully when I cried. He would just ignore me before. 7. He looked at his grand parents over video for 2 to 3 mintues. Before he wouldn't look for one minute . 8. My sleep is improved. My sleeplessness got reduced and I am able to sleep without any trouble 9. His Sensory issues got reduced by 70% We never saw this much changes in past 5 years with any other methods we followed. We started engaging our son from our side. Rekha mam is continuously supporting us for even small issues in our son or other personal issues in our life. Our entire family is feeling calm and peaceful . We are having hope for our son's future Our sincere thanks to the God almighty , SRUSH , Rekha mam and the sir who introduced us to SRUSH.
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I am a mother of 27 years old son. He got some emotional issues for past 3 or 4 months. I come to know about srush through someone who is close to my family. For past one month Rekha has performed healing for him. I would say that, his life is turn around. I can't thank you enough through my words. Thank you Rekha.
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My son was emotionally upset and the exams were about to start in few days he was not able to concentrate on studies. Requested madam to start the healing immediately so that he can prepare and write the exam peacefully. Dramatic changes were seen on his activities, he was calm and studying for exam once the healing started. My younger son was emotional and stressed and was angry at everybody at school and at home. Situation became worst when the examination came nearer. He was not able to study and not able to concentrate on his subjects. Angry and emotionally charged made him aggressive and abusive on everybody, he started to hit everybody at home. Through an astrologer we came to know SRUSH and Ms.Rekha immediately started the healing process after seeing his photo and our family photo. Since his board exams were going to start in two weeks the healing has to be started immediately so that he can write the exam peacefully. Understanding the situation Ms.Rekha started the healing process immediately and day and night did the process and due to that within one week changes happened to him and he became quite and doing him activities normally. Some of the negative energy affecting him was also got blocked which turned him normal within one month. Thanks to Ms. Rekha mam for the day and night continuous effort healing him within short time so that my son was able to write the board exams peacefully. *Patients mother shared the joy of his achievement (Update as on 10th May 2024) he has secured more than 85% mark in his exam by the healing & blessing from SRUSH.
N RameshIndia
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Exellent means to come out of problem by invisible way (means the process is not visible to everyone but the result is amazing) Thank God for this wonderful oppurtunity. Thanks for the healer as well. No words to express my happiness and gratitude. Once again thanks a lot.
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Very good healing feeling positive, my negativity has been completely removed thanks for the help
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I reached out to SRUSH since it was an emergency.I was 9 weeks pregnant and I started to bleed all of a sudden on a Friday evening. Since it was weekend, the doctors were not available.I had miscarriage the same way in the past Only option was to go to the emergency ward which has only general doctors and not the specialized ones. We reached out to SRUSH immediately. They guaranteed the baby will be safe and suggested not to go the emergency and wait for the appointment with gynecologist the following week. Surprisingly, the bleeding stopped in an hour and spotting while urinating completely stopped within 24 hours. I went for the regular appointment with my gynecologist the following week Tuesday. They did a scan and confirmed the baby and the pregnancy is all normal. That was indeed a miracle. I'm 19 weeks now and never had bleeding or spotting since then and everything is going well. Many many thanks to SRUSH.
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Before healing - I want to fix my problem about excessive lust emotion and to remove all negative energy out of me to have peace in the life................................ After healing - Silver radiant team they are very professional and they helped me a lot with my problems and I'm grateful that i found them.I feel good and having good sleep these days.
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My Son is a Autism kid. He was in a different world. After getting done with healing. He has changed in eye contact and body language. He got sitting tolerance. Day to day gradually he changed alot. Earlier I have lot of problems for taking him out. Now he understand and lot of co operation from him. I felt like wonders happening after healing. Still he has speech delay and i see the things are changing for him. I am very much happy with my kid now and I am thankful to Rekha mam for all the support and guidance.
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Namesthey Madam,My wife was bedridden for almost a month without any improvement due to non stop fever after your healing she feels much better now. Her appetite has approved ,bacterial infection in blood reducing drastically. After healing now the medicine is also started showing results, swelling in body due to increased fluid level has reduced much and becomes ulmost nil.your healing has brought us to normalcy.thanks for the unforgettable help.