
Rekha R. from India is the founder of this modality and a certified healer and adviser. She has practised various spiritual modalities and healed so many people with the healing energy she gained through spiritual practises and the spiritual connections she developed with the higher beings for her selfless service towards mankind and mother nature. Our founder, being an instrument of God, has neutralised dark energies from Mother Earth with the guidance of higher beings.

Energy Trigger

Energy Trigger is the gift of universal beings to the founder, Rekha, for her selfless service towards mankind. Energy Trigger receives energy from the universe, is made of plastic, and is designed in such a way that it emits universal energy that helps to heal Physical, mental, and emotional bodies
This instrument will also help you to heal all the chakras and remove blocks from the chakras, allowing the physical healing to happen seamlessly. We will also be able to sense the subtle bodies in our aura,identify reasons for physical pain,sense any strings, blocks, dark energy, or physical health issues, and get answers to all the questions we raise as per our sensing knowledge.

Energy Trigger
Energy Trigger

Functions of Energy Trigger

  • Energy Trigger will constantly receive energy from the universe
  • Energy Trigger can be used to bless Nature & Energize water
  • Energy Trigger can be used to heal body chakras,organs,emotional & mental issues
  • Energy Trigger will remove toxic energy from food & medicine
  • Energy Trigger will neutralize negative energies from Jewels (certain jewels attracts negative energy especially diamonds/Gems/Stones)also for people encountering issues while wearing a specific ornaments & clothes  can also be neutralized using energy trigger
  • Energy Trigger can be used for sensing Physical body,subtle bodies and get answer for questions/queries we raise (depends on your connection and expertise)