About Spiritual Healing

Silver Radiant Universal Spiritual Healing

Just call, Get healed| Non-Contact, Distant Energy healing


When we look at mankind and how they lead their lives, not everyone has similar conditions or lives up to their expectations. Numerous individuals are struggling with poverty and have never been able to escape it.. Some of them are rich by birth or by their hard  work; you may observe this disparity within families,groups of people or countries, while certain nations are extremely wealthy, the majority of them are impoverished.

While we refer to this as Karma or cause and effect, these differences are the result of the soul’s journey in its past lives
Karma is always portrayed in a bad light,while there is positive karma as well, and karma is something that a soul wants to learn a lesson or more lessons from in a lifetime. For instance, if someone was wealthy in one lifetime and did nothing to help the people for whom he or she had karma to balance with money, he or she might well find himself in similar circumstances of poverty in a future lifetime. This would give them the opportunity to understand what such poverty feels like and perhaps begin developing compassion for others in such circumstances.

Some of them are born with physical disabilities & illnesses like autism, blindness, cerebral palsy, deafness, being unable to speak, being born with diabetic conditions, and other illnesses. These are not because of their lifestyle or food habits; they are purely karma, or cause & effect, either because of the child’s past life karma or the parent’s current life karma or past life karma. Whatever it is, SRUSH will be able to guide and neutralise that karma.

Initially, most of the pain and illness will exist in one’s energy level,mostly in the weakest chakras (chakras or subtle bodies), and we will only realise it when the subtle bodies and the chakras are affected. Eventually, the negative energy will penetrate our physical body. For example, if a person is receiving strings or dark magic from an individual, group, or family and these negative energies affect the weakest chakra, if the weakest one is his or her solar plexus, then prolonged energy depletion due to strings or dark magic will affect the organs controlled by this chakra, which are the liver and  pancreas, which will lead to a diabetic condition. When the individual’s lifestyle also matches this health condition, it will worsen the illness.

For very few, they are able to see souls, especially during full moon and new moon days, and feel someone is with them, physically disturbing them, astral raping them (energy level), and some of them will hear unbearable noise in their ears. All these conditions are because of the soul connections,sometimes due to dark magic, and these conditions may lead to mental disorders such as OCD, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders. This can be fixed by SRUSH.

You will get more insights about strings, blocks, subtle bodies, and dark magic under separate titles.

Silver Radiant Universal Spiritual Healing (SRUSH) is a type of energy healing and a complementary therapy, and you need to take proper medications for chronic illness and for physical injuries that need immediate attention.

Spiritual energy healing aims to help the flow of energy and remove blocks there by improving the flow of energy around the body, which can enable relaxation, relieve pain, speed healing, and reduce other symptoms of illness.

Why Spiritual healing is required

Spiritual healing can mean different things to different people, as it is often a deeply personal and individual experience. However, some common expectations that a person may have when seeking spiritual healing include:

  1. Relief from physical, emotional, or mental pain: A person may seek spiritual healing in the hopes of finding relief from physical, emotional, or mental pain that they are experiencing.
  2. Connection to a higher power or divine energy: Many people seek spiritual healing to feel a deeper connection to a higher power or divine energy, whether that be through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practises.
  3. Clarity and guidance: Seeking spiritual healing can provide a person with clarity and guidance about their life purpose, values, and direction.
  4. Emotional and mental balance: A person may hope to achieve emotional and mental balance through spiritual healing, helping them to feel more centred and at peace.
  5. Self-discovery and personal growth: Spiritual healing can also be a path to self-discovery and personal growth, allowing a person to uncover their true potential and become more aligned with their authentic self.
  6. Even during one’s spiritual journey, an individual may encounter pain, confusion, and other physical and emotional pain for which they will not be able to identify the reason. In such cases, guidance from higher beings or higher dimension support will be required.
  7. People from different communities, countries, and races have different lifestyles and behaviours because of the way they are programmed at a young age, which we call neurolinguistic programming. This could be a barrier for us in achieving our purpose on Mother Earth.
  8. Guidance to help make decisions and life choices
  9. Being born into a particular religion, race, or community seems superior to a few,while we undergo a lot of rebirths to learn lessons to overcome this stigma.
  10. To understand the purpose of life and lead a happy life with purpose,without getting carried away by negativity
  11. Surrendering body, mind, and soul to God to get guidance and protection
  12. To understand your soul level journey by awakening your inner self
  13. To invoke your inner self with the spiritual chants, which are a gift of higher spiritual masters,
  14. It’s important to note that these expectations may vary from person to person and that the healing process can be a unique and personal journey for each individual. (SRUSH will assist the individual to heal all the above aspects and guide them on their soul journey.)

Healing via SRUSH Divine tool (Energy Trigger)

  • Through pure spiritual practises and connections, we received divine energy, which will be emitted through the Energy Trigger tool without any limitations except for using it negatively. This energy connects to the universal beings, and this divine tool is a gift from them.
  • Through the practise of reading spiritual chants as prescribed, the person will get rid of all the negative connections, strings, and blocks, allowing the physical body to have a free flow of healing energy.
  • Educate yourself to receive prana from nature, such as Mother Earth, the Divine Sun, trees, & water.

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